aidKRIYA supports MOTION - the signature of LIFE x TATA STEEL Run-a-thon - Aid Kriya
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- aidKRIYA supports MOTION – the signature of LIFE x TATA STEEL Run-a-thon
November 2, 2022
aidKRIYA supports MOTION – the signature of LIFE x TATA STEEL Run-a-thon
Joyful Joints & Blissful Bowels
aidKRIYA supports MOTION – the signature of LIFE
We are proud to be associated with TATA STEEL Run-a-thon scheduled on 20-November-2022
If you are – DIFFERENTLY ABLED? or LGBTQIA+? or SINGLE MOM? or AGED >=55 YEARS?, then your REGISTRATION FEES is completely taken care of by us. (Offer valid for 7k & 10k runs only)
Also, be the proud owner of a aidKRIYA T-Shirt & e-Certificate!
Please send your entry – name, birth date, gender, 10k or 7k run, T-Shirt
size, phone no., e-Mail id – to gnskdfoundation@gmail.com or runathon@aidkriya.com